As more consumers demand products and services that do less damage to the environment, we at Scotts Tubes have added “sustainability” to our core operating principles.
We are excited to introduce external sustainability efforts to our operation which simply translates to switching materials used to create products to those that cause less damage to the environment, based on how they are made & grown and the energy needed to produce them.
We spent many months researching this before implementation back in late 2021.
Due to industry decisions made in the past, the horticulture industry uses PP5 for a majority of its tags, pots and stakes.
Recognising the economy, suitability and repeated recyclability of Polypropylene (PP) as a packaging material, we work and will continue to work towards industry harmony in the use of PP as the preferred material for plastic packaging in ornamental horticulture, labelling and distribution systems, to enable an industry-wide closed loop packing system for ornamental horticulture.
Regrettably we will no longer have the distinctive colours of mustard, lavender and green pots for our Renaissance range of Herbs, Cottage and Veggies.
We have now moved to a sustainable product and we have chosen a charcoal pot for all varieties for simplicity, uniformity and most importantly, sustainability.
The product we’ve chosen is known as PCR – which is Post Consumable Recyclable.
PCR resin is a material largely made from plastic that is recycled from household plastic waste.
Post-consumer resin offers a lower carbon footprint compared to virgin materials. Use of PCR diverts waste from landfills, decreases the consumption of virgin raw materials, and reduces emissions while promoting the circular economy.
We are committed to continuing to research and move forward with improvements to keep up with our Sustainability promise.