Basil Thai

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(Ocimum Basilicum ?Anise?)

Basil Thai has a more assertive taste than many other sweet basils. The herb has small leaves, purple stems and a subtle licorice or mint flavour.

Growing Tips

Choose a sunny site with well-drained soil, amend with well-rotted manure or compost.


Thai basil, which has an anise flavour, is used as a condiment in Thai and Vietnamese dishes. Thai basil is also a frequently used ingredient in Thai red curry. Thai Basil is also an important ingredient in the very popular Taiwanese dishes. Basil Thai has a spicy aniseed aroma. To preserve its full fragrance and flavour pick just prior to going into the dish. Thai basil tends to hold its flavor better when cooked.

Herb Attributes

Harvest Regularly, the more you harvest the more it will produce. If kept warm and harvested often you may even get 10 months worth of Basil leaves.
Position Part to Full Sun
Height 75cm
Width 50cm
Lifespan Annual
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