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(Anthriscus Cerefolium)

A compact, annual with delicate fernlike foliage and parsley/tarragon flavour.

Growing Tips

Chervil likes a part sun position with moist well, drained soil. It grows well with a wide range of vegetables and prefers a cool spot over the hot summer months.


A favourite part of French cuisine. Mix up the Herbs de Provence then mix with olive oil and use as a marinade, baste or dressing for light salads. Chervil can also be used on its own with fish, eggs and herb butters. It is a delicate flavour and should be added just prior to serving. It is reputed to be an aid to digestion, vitamin absorption and high blood pressure.

Herb Attributes

Harvest The green leaves, fresh as needed, before the plant has flowered and when young and tender.
Position Part Sun
Height 30cm
Width 30cm
Lifespan Perennial
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