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(Echinacea Purpurea)

A tough plant with stunning cone-shaped flowers and of great benefit to our bodies.

Growing Tips

This is also a stunning garden plant and there are many good cultivars like Magnus and White Swan. It thrives in dry, sunny positions with well-drained soil. It is tolerant of extended dry periods.


Fresh leaves can be used in tea, but best effects are gained from using the dried roots (harvest when plant is 3+ years, dry and then grind, grate or sliver) in a herbal consumed two to three times a day. Should only be taken for 10 to 14 days at a time then stop for 2 to 3 weeks. Echinacea is primarily used as an aid to preventing and fighting respiratory diseases like the common cold. It has been used for hundreds of years and was one of the most widely used herbs by the American Indians. It is usually used as a tea so it should be partnered with other herbal teas like; mint, Brahmi, verbena.

Herb Attributes

Harvest Harvest when plant is 3+ years, then dry and grind, grate or sliver.
Position Full sun
Height 1.5m
Width 60cm
Lifespan Perennial
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