Parsley Curly

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(Petroselinum Crispum Var Crispum)

An easy to grow hardy herb that is an essential herb for any kitchen.

Growing Tips

This quick growing herb likes fertile moist soil in part to full sun. Will grow well in any veggie garden and also in small or large pots.


An easy to use herb that enhances other herbs and when added just prior to serving will lift the other flavours in the dish. Excellent as a garnish to salads, main courses and appetizers. It is high in Vitamin C and is reputed to aid in reducing garlic breath next morning, Harvest regularly, the more you harvest it the longer it will last. Remove any flower stems as they appear. For a an interesting dish thoroughly rinse and then dry a bunch. Break into smaller amounts and put in hot oil until crisp. About 20 seconds. Serve with salt and finely chopped Coriander.

Herb Attributes

Harvest Harvest regularly and it should last a couple of years.
Position Part to Full sun
Height 30cm
Width 40cm
Lifespan Perennial
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