A quick growing shrub with attractive flowers and stunning red calyces and fruit. Easy to grow large shrub that tolerates dry temperate to wet tropics. Treat as an annual in frost prone climates.
All parts of the plant are edible and used in a myriad of ways. The flowers and fruit are used to make jams and cordials whilst the leaves are used in many Indian and Burmese dishes. The plant originates from West Africa but is now grown all over the world.
The plant is very high in vitamin C and all parts are usable: the leaves in salads, stir fries and curries, the fruit for making jams and sauces. The calyx can be used for cordials, jams and tea and the seeds can be used in baking. The fibre from the stems is used for making jute. Boil the calyces and sepals until the water turns red then add some stevia or sugar to make a bright red, sweet and fruity cordial.
Rosella is a large open shrub so it prefers some open space in a sunny part of the garden but it will tolerate some shade. In frost free regions it is a biennial and where there is frost treat as an annual.
Plant in late spring and give a good feed at planting. Water regularly with diluted mix of PowerFeed and Seasol. Start harvesting at about two months old.
Height | 2M |
Width | 1.5M |