Rosemary Tuscan Blue

Currently Unavailable

(Rosmarinus Officinalis ?Tuscan Blue?)

An upright shrub with deep green leaves and dark blue flowers, and the classic aromatic foliage.

Flavours/Food Partners

Lamb, pork, chicken, potatoes, tomatoes, baked breads, oregano, sage, thyme, garlic.


Rosemary is a great traditional herb that can be used in a myriad of foods and cooking styles. It is also a really good plant for aiding your health. It helps with digestion and organ function, is high in antioxidants. It is also high in Vitamin E and is reputed to aid in relaxation and assist in prolonging a good memory. Use the stiff stems as a skewer for kebabs ? meat, fish or fruit.


Plant in any well drained to general soil in a sunny and airy position. Good for hedging, topiary and large pots.


Require regular applications of Seasol and Powerfeed. Deep soaking when needed. Take a hard prune in mid autumn if too large.

Herb Attributes

Height 1.2M
Width 1.0M
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