(Lycopersicon Esculentum )
This classic favourite is a large and plump form with strong flavour and slices well.
The acidic flavour of tomatoes partner well with Latin herbs like garlic, basil oregano, marjoram, rosemary and thyme when cooked or raw with coriander, dill and parsley. Use with onions, zucchini, eggplant and red meats like lamb and beef. Also enhances any good firm cheese.
Like all tomatoes, Beefsteak is high in the cancer fighting agent, Lycopene. This is enhanced by moderate cooking. This is a great variety for baking, making sauces or soups of as the base for a good salsa. Beefsteak is thought to be the best for sandwiches. Tomatoes are also high in Vitamin C and when blended with fresh mint and Stevia to make an excellent summer drink.
Plant in an airy, sunny position in well drained soil or very large pots. Requires a 1.2 to 1.5m stake.
Like all tomatoes it must receive a deep soaking when almost dry and should not receive overhead watering. It is also sensitive to frost. Feed regularly with Seasol and Powerfeed. A small amount of dolomite lime after planting will make stronger plants. Remove side shoots and develop two or three main leaders. Harvest when fruit is full color.
Position | Full Sun |
Height | 1.5m |
Width | 50cm |