Award Winning

HALL OF FAME - 3 years consecutively.

Wholesale (Large) Production Nursery of the Year
2020 & 2021 & 2022
The judges of this category said that while the finalists all set a high standard for the industry to follow, Scotts Tubes stood out as the winner for the third year in a row. 

The nursery team scored highly across the board demonstrating technical proficiency, immaculate site presentation and strong business management skills. In addition, the nursery displays a commitment towards sustainability and continuous
improvement. The results speak for themselves.

It’s great to see a family combining forces so harmoniously to continuously improve efficiency, productivity and working conditions for their staff. 

The results in the main market shares (tubes and herbs) were both very unforgiving. With little room for error, the results spoke volumes to the effort Scott Tubes put in, their adaptability and attention to detail.

They have utilised available space and resources to maximum effect and if the new greenhouse provides an indication of the quality of future development, the next few years look very exciting.

Directors - Glenn and Greg Scott

Growers of Renaissance Herbs, Romantic Cottage Plants, Tubestock and Specialty Advanced Colour.

40 Years in Business - Award winning 2020,2021,2022

2991 Wisemans Ferry Road
Mangrove Mountain NSW 2250
02 4374 1253
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